• 教师
  • 珍妮Lenkowski
  • 珍妮Lenkowski

    副教授Biological Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    珍妮Lenkowski is an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at 云顶集团 College 在马里兰州的巴尔的摩. 在获得学士学位后. Lenkowski教 in China then worked as a research technician at Tufts Medical School before returning 去读研. She completed her doctorate in biology in 2010 at Tufts University 艺术与科学研究生院. Prior to her arrival at 云顶集团 in 2013, she completed post-doctoral research at the University of Michigan exploring how the vertebrate retina regenerates using zebrafish as a model organism. 在云顶集团. Lenkowski的 research focuses on the TGFβ signaling pathway and its potential role in the regulation of neural development 以及斑马鱼的再生. 她还教几门课程 in the biology and biochemistry and molecular biology programs that include introductory biology, cell biology, development biology, and neurobiology.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    The Lenkowski Lab research focuses on how the zebrafish retina develops and how it regenerates following intense light injury that destroys photoreceptor cells. 从历史上看, researchers had observed that teleost fish could regenerate destroyed areas of the 视网膜神经. While hypothesized, it was not until the mid-2000s that Müller glial cells were proven to act as a tissue specific adult stem cell in this process and studies of the regulation of the regenerative process could truly begin with more 现代方法. In particular, we are particularly interested in the role of conserved molecular pathways in regulating the cell cycle in Müller glial cells. 研究 shown that proper regulation of TGFβ signaling during retinal regeneration is critical 在斑马鱼身上. The Lenkowski Lab is building on previous research to explore how TGFβ signaling regulates the cell cycle and differentiation in neural development 和再生. Because zebrafish have the capacity to regenerate their photoreceptors and mammals do not, these studies inform comparisons among vertebrates to identify gene targets for human regenerative medicine. 本科生是一个整体 part of this research during the school year and during 云顶集团 College’s Summer Science Research Program (see * in presentations and posters for 云顶集团 student contributions).


    Lenkowski J.R. 雷蒙德,P.A., 2014. Müller glia: stem cells for generation and regeneration of retinal neurons in teleost fish. 视网膜眼科进展. 40C: 94-123.

    Lenkowski J.R.秦,Z.西富恩特斯,C.J.Thummel, R.索托,C.M.莫恩斯,C.B.雷蒙德, P.A., 2013. Retinal regeneration in adult zebrafish requires regulation of TGFβ signaling. 神经胶质. 61: 1687-1697.

    Complete list of published work in MyBibliography: http://www.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov / myncbi /浏览/收集/ 40144654 /?=日期排序&方向=下行


    National Institutes of Health AREA Award “Regulation of the cell cycle and differentiation in the vertebrate retina by TGFβ signaling” (1R15EY027124-01, 9/01/16 – 8/31/19).


    唐尼,M.*和Lenkowski J.R. (2015) Research and teaching at a small liberal arts TGFβ信号和视网膜. Baltimore Zebrafish Meeting (BALZEE), Carnegie 研究所,巴尔的摩,马里兰州.





    Volunteer with STEMnet, Maryland Business Roundtable for 教育, as a STEM specialist 在教室里.

    Serve as an ad-hoc reviewer for several research journals.

    Poster presentations (undergraduate research students indicated with an asterisk):

    Meir-Levi D.*和J.R. Lenkowski (2014) Examining the cell cycle in retina development 以及斑马鱼的再生. 具有里程碑意义的研究 Conference, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA.  (2015) Understanding the effects of aging on the regenerative capacity of the 斑马鱼(鲐鱼类视网膜). 具有里程碑意义的研究 Conference, 云顶集团 College, Baltimore, MD.

    布兰德,K.*和J.R. Lenkowski (2015) Studying the effects of TGFβ signaling during retinal development in the embryonic 斑马鱼(鲐鱼类). 具有里程碑意义的研究 Conference, 云顶集团 College, & 中大西洋地区斑马鱼 会议地点:马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学.

    Lenkowski J.R. (2016) Redesigning an upper-level developmental biology 实验室 course to incorporate zebrafish and morphometric analysis. 中大西洋发展协会 Biology Meeting, Howard University, Washington, D.C.

    布兰德,K.*, G. 库珀*,米. 唐尼* E. 费雷拉*,米. Koropsak * D. Meir-Levi *, J.R. Lenkowski (2016) Regulation of the cell cycle and cell fate by TGFβ signaling in larval 还有成年斑马鱼. The Allied Genetics Conference, Orlando, FL.

    Koropsak, M.*, E. Ferreira*和J.R. Lenkowski (2016) Effects of TGFβ signaling on differentiation and proliferation in developing zebrafish retina. 具有里程碑意义的研究 Conference, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA.

    库珀,G.*和J.R. Lenkowski Evaluating the effects of TGFβ signaling on glial scarring 斑马鱼(鲐鱼类)视网膜中. (2016) 具有里程碑意义的研究 Conference, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA and (2017) 中大西洋地区斑马鱼会议 Carnegie 研究所,巴尔的摩,马里兰州.

    汉尼汾公司E.*和J.R. Lenkowski (2017) Visualization of p57 as a cell cycle exit 斑马鱼祖细胞中的标记物. 中大西洋地区斑马鱼会议 卡内基研究所,巴尔的摩,马里兰州.

    沃格尔,年代.*和J.R. Lenkowski (2017) Effect of TGFβ signaling on progenitor proliferation and Müller glia differentiation in the developing 斑马鱼(鲐鱼类视网膜). 中大西洋地区斑马鱼会议 卡内基研究所,巴尔的摩,马里兰州.