• 注册商
  • 注册信息 & 日期
  • 注册信息 & 日期


    本科生注册日期- 2024年秋季 

    Monday, 03/25/2024 - Academic advising begins for Fall 2024

    Monday, 04/15/2024 - Registration begins for Fall 2024



    学生的咨询时间为24/3/25/24至24/4/12/24. 和你的导师约个时间 早期. Advising 会话s generally take a half hour, sometimes longer.

    Use your DegreeWorks audit, the Academic Catalogue to note required courses, and the Fall class schedule to start your planning process. 日程表将于下周公布 24年3月25日在网上发布.  Send your advisor a complete list of all the courses you want/need to take. M任何 advisors require that advisees take this first step before starting an advising 会话.

    After the advising 会话 (which must be in-person, not via email, unless you are away from 云顶集团 this semester) your adviser will authorize you for 在线 registration. If you need to add courses requiring approvals other than your advisers, please submit 航线变更表.

    Use this automated form for these registration changes - add/下降s, audits, pass/no 通过,退出一门课程. 寻求教师许可的学生 添加课程也应使用此表单.

    课程变更表-本科生 - Independent Work
    Use this automated form to add an independent work course.

    课程变更表-本科生 - Time conflicts
    Use this automated form to request approval for courses that have time conflicts.

    Select alternate courses during your advising 会话, in case your first choices 全是.

    先决条件: You may only register for courses for which you have met the required prerequisites. If you would like to register for a course and are requesting waiver of a prerequisite requirement, complete the form at this link for approval: 课程变更表-本科生

    海外强化课程: These courses require acceptance into the program to register. ICA注册将 由注册主任办公室办理. 确保你把ICA学分包括在 18 credit total you are allowed when registering 在线.

    Audits, Closed Courses, Instructor Permission Required: In addition to your advisor, instructors’ approvals are required for audits, closed courses, and 任何 course in which you are required to have the permission of the instructor 招收. 如需报名,请填写以下链接的表格: 课程变更表-本科生

    时间重叠请求: If your desired courses will overlap, you must complete the form at this link to obtain 两位导师的同意: 课程变更表-本科生 - Time conflicts

    独立工作: For independent work, complete the form at this link in order to obtain advisor, instructor 以及项目主管的批准: 课程变更表-本科生 - Independent Work

    When registering 在线, 通过/不通过 can only be selected for courses required to (体育活动等)被评分.). 从普通成绩变为及格/不及格 can be done by submitting 航线变更表 after your assigned registration time: 课程变更表-本科生

    看到 通过/不通过 在学术目录中.

    Registration for internships requires the Internship 学习ing Agreement (ILA) be submitted to the 职业生涯教育 Office (CEO) for approval (be sure to check deadlines.后) approval by the CEO, the ILA 已提交注册主任办事处登记.

    毕业论文注册要求 毕业论文指引及表格 be submitted to the Associate Provost’s office for approval (be sure to check deadlines.) After approval by the Associate Provost’s office, the Senior Thesis Registration Form 已提交注册主任办事处登记.



    Your holds (stop flags) appear when you log on to my云顶集团. Online or in person registration cannot occur unless the hold is removed.

    Undergraduate financial responsibility hold: You can resolve this hold on your my云顶集团 账户.

    All other holds: 联系 the appropriate office to resolve 任何 hold placed on your 账户 such as those noted by Billing, the 注册商’s Office, the Health Center, Financial Aid, the Associate Provost’s Office, etc.,在你指定的登记前 开始日期和时间.



    The order of registration is determined by the number of credits a student has completed. Students can view their assigned start time on my云顶集团 on 3/25/24. 在线注册 将于24年4月15日开始. 报名小组将于早上7点开始.m. 每天早上. 学生可以继续做 在线 schedule changes from their assigned time through 08/28/24, at 11:59 p.m.

    After this date, through 09/06/24, students may still add full semester courses with 教师和指导老师的批准,或 下降 semester courses with the advisor’s approval, by submitting 航线变更表.

    Use this automated form for these registration changes - add/下降s, audits, pass/no 通过,退出一门课程. 寻求教师许可的学生 添加课程应使用此表单.

    课程变更表-本科生 - Independent Work
    Use this automated form to add an independent work course.

    课程变更表-本科生 - Time conflicts
    Use this automated form to request approval for courses that have time conflicts.

    到09/06/24晚上11:59.m., students will be able to make schedule changes 在线 only if initial approval for registration was received from the advisor (approval 只需要一次). Your adviser will receive an e-mail showing changes that 是每天加工的吗. 封闭课程,时间重叠,学分超载, audits, independent work, and special permission courses will need to be registered for by submitting 航线变更表, as they require a manual override. 这些变化 必须在09/06/24晚上11:59之前交.m. 一旦需要手动覆盖任何 因此,需要手动重写 任何 subsequent schedule change, and these will have to be made by submitting a course 改变形式.

    所有学生的课程学分为18学分. 看到 课程 在学术目录中.

    To register for credit overloads, your advisor must submit a 请愿书 代表你 to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies. 如果获得批准,请愿书将会生效 送交书记官长办公室登记. Students will be additionally charged the part-time tuition rate for all credits over 每学期不得超过18个学分.

    If you encounter technical problems, please send an e-mail message to the helpdesk@lscarpet.net. The helpdesk e-mail will be monitored for problems during registration.







    51.00 - 84.完成99学分










